
Motorcycle Trip to the Western Front

mandag den 29. februar 2016

The Road to War

Ready for war? Or just curious to find out why we humans must continually war with each other? Are we not wiser, after several thousands of years of brutal wars around the globe? Is it buried so deep in our genes, enabling us to effortlessly and viciously beat other people to death for a cause, no matter how big or small it is? Is it our lust for power and money, or is it just a kind of congenital stupidity, we can’t get rid of? We soon need a spiritual time-out, so we can synchronise with one another, so mankind can focus on the global environmental problems, that will one day force us to our knees, if we don’t learn to work together...soon.

The foundation stone of the First World War, comprised of the Emperors, Kings, Nationalists and old friendships among nations. Europe came to a stalemate and then the film broke altogether. On August 4th, 1914, the Germans began to bombard the defences around Liege, in Belgium. After 12 days of incessant German artillery, the thick walls, as well as the town in general, lay in ruins. The Germans then rushed to the coast to stop the British, who supported the neutral Belgium. But they didn’t get there quick enough, the British were already ashore.

Today, when you ride along the road from Ieper / Ypres, you can well understand why the Germans used this road to hasten their advance. The landscape is flat and easy to pass, and the only obstacle the Germans had at that time, was the fort, and the canal at Ieper / Ypres. I stopped the motorbike and stepped away from it, and stood looking out over the fields of Flanders in southern Belgium. A beautiful day with bright sunshine, on these beautiful roads. It felt good to get a break from the radiant heat of the engine, as I found myself looking over fields of white crosses, nearly as far as the eye can see. I'm on tour along the Western Front to find out why something so ridiculous could take place. And can it happen again? Could WAR raise its ugly head in Europe again? Will ignorance and lack of human understanding, light the fuse?

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